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In 2012, the community of Anneslie was added to the National Register of Historic Places, as a recognized Historic District.

This designation in no way inhibits home owners from performing work on their homes, but does allow them to receive State tax credits, if work to their property is done within certain guidelines.  The tax credit is equal to 20% of the approved rehabilitation. 


The Homeowner Tax Credit Program

For information, visit




Prior to starting construction you submit an application and get approval from the Maryland Historic Trust (MHT) and all applicable local historic preservation commissions, and MHT certifies that the work is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation.


For example, the total cost of your roof replacement ends up being $10,000, so you send MHT the final Part 3 application along with all receipts and photographs necessary to verify the expenses and that the work is consistent with the initial approval. If the Director determines that the project is approvable, you will be able to deduct $2,000 (20%) from the amount of Maryland State Income Taxes that you owe for the calendar year in which the project was completed. If you owe less than $2,000 in income taxes that year, you will receive a refund check from the Comptroller of Maryland. 


The application must be filed and approved before any work is done, so any repairs completed before applying to the MHT would not qualify.  Generally, any work that maintains the historic integrity of the house would be eligible, like replacing a slate roof with a new slate roof, but a new kitchen, vinyl siding or replacement windows may not be eligible.  Part of requirement for application is the submission of a map, locating the boundaries of the historic district.  


For general information about the Homeowner Tax Credit Program or to check the eligibility of your project, please contact Bonnie Baden at or (410) 514-7628.

You may download a copy of the approved application and description of our historic district here

For current maps of the Anneslie Community boundaries (as of March 2018):

Note that NOT ALL HOMES in the community are considered "contributing" to the Historic District. Please check this listing to verify that yours is, prior to engaging in the application process.

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