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The Association will send out specific infomation about each event as the date approaches through newsletters and ACA eNews emails. Please note that from time to time, event dates may be subject to change.


If you have ideas for any other community activities or events, we would love to hear from you.  Reach out to a board member or send an email to

Anneslie​​​ Winter Street Tree Pruning

January 11, 2025 9am-12pm

Meet at 500 Overbrook Road Anneslie 21212

Our event begins with a tutorial for teaching proper pruning technique. We primarily use hand and pole saws and loppers. Different levels of physical fitness can be accommodated ranging from wrangling a long pole saw to using hand clippers. Participants should bring garden gloves & water. Please wear protective eye-wear & sunscreen.

We usually work for three hours. Come for as long as you are able


Anneslie Dumpster Day

Tbd | 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.| Rain or Shine

A day for cleaning up and a way to save yourself a trip to the dump.  The ACA arranges for dumpsters to be onsite in the neighborhood for you to dispose of items you no longer want. 

Point of Contact:

Robert Fisher,

Lisa Robey,


Anneslie Bowling Night

Tbd | Stoneleigh Lanes | 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Join fellow neighbors for an evening of duckpin bowling at Stoneleigh Lanes.  Form a team or sign-up as an individual.  This is an adult-only event for dues-paying members.  Registration will be required. Details to come.
Point of Contact:  
Keith Klinger,

Eric Bagioli,


Annual Cornhole Tournament
When: Tbd |2:00pm

Location: True Balance Studio Parking Lot
Who will win this year’s trophy?  Form a team and sign-up to play a few rounds of cornhole in this competitive tournament and afternoon of fun.  Registration will be required. 

$25 fee per team (two people per team). Round robin format similar to World Cup. Official American Corhole Assn. rules apply (yes, there really is an ACA). One team member from each team needs to be a member of the Anneslie Community Association


Click here to sign up for the Annual Cornhole Tournament

The Community Association will provide burgers and hot dogs, refreshments, trophies and prizes for the winners
Point of Contact:

Robert Fisher,


Family Movie Night

Summer/Fall - Tbd

Point of Contact:

Adam Rothwell,

Emily Dorman,


Anneslie Community Picnic
Saturday, September Tbd, 2025 | 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Location: tbd

The neighborhood’s largest block party.  Come join the festivities! BBQ, hotdogs, and beverages are provided by the Association. Kindly bring a side disk or dessert to share

Kids’ games and activities; music.

Points of Contact:
Emily Dorman,

Dave Dymond,

All Board Members


Concert Under the Stars
Fall - Tbd

Come out for night of musical entertainment. Bring your own food, beverages, chairs and blankets.  Adults only.

Points of Contact:
Robert Fisher,

Lisa Robey,


Anneslie Yard Sale

Tdb | 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Reduce ~ Reuse ~ Repurpose ~ Recycle:  Make some extra cash on the household items you are ready to part with - they may be someone else's treasure!

Point of Contact:

Dave Dymond,


Halloween Decorating Contest

Month of October

Prizes awarded for homes decorated as the scariest, with the best use of pumpkins, most autumnal, and best in show.  On Thursday, October 30 ACA Board Members will judge decorations. Winners announced in early November.


Halloween Parade and Trick-or-Treating

Thursday, October 31, 2025 | 5:00-7:00 p.m. (parade at 6:15)

Ghosts and goblins, oh my!  Join us for pizza and cider (bring your own cup)  and a parade of costumes before heading out to for trick-or-treating.

Point of Contact:

Keith Klinger,

Kristen McGuire,


Annual Community Association Meeting
Wednesday, November Tbd, 2025 |Idlewylde Hall |
6301 Sherwood Rd|7:30 p.m.
Please join the Board of Governors of the Anneslie Community Association for the community’s annual meeting.  The meeting agenda consists of a “year-in-review”, guest speakers, election of new board members, and open floor discussion for questions and concerns from those in attendance.

We also have openings for new board members for 2024. If interested, please attend and/or reach out to Robert Fisher

Point of Contact:

Robert Fisher,


Anneslie Home Holiday Decorating Contest
Month of December

It’s time to give it your all and help transform Anneslie into a winter wonderland of lights and holiday decorations.  Which home will win the prize for Most Traditional? Most Commercial/Illuminated?  Most Creative/Best Theme?   

  • Association Board Members will travel the streets of Anneslie to judge the decorations and select the winners on December 22 and 23.  

  • Winners will be announced and prizes are awarded!


Santa’s Sleigh Ride Cruise Through Anneslie

Monday, December Tbd, 2025 | 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Santa Claus is coming to Anneslie.  Kids of all ages are invited to come outside and watch and wav
e at jolly old St. Nicholas as he travels the streets of Anneslie. Flag him down to stop if you want a photo-op!
Point of Contact:
Ted Hull,​


New Neighbor Party

Tbd | By Invitation

Anneslie residents who moved into the neighborhood during the last year are invited to a welcome party with community association board members and block captains.  Invitations with details will be mailed.

Point of Contact:

Robert Fisher,




The Anneslie Community Association plans and hosts many events throughout the year to encourage connection and interaction among the neighbors in our community.


Events are open to dues paying households of the Anneslie Community Association. Some events may also require an additional fee above and beyond these dues to help cover costs.


Haven't paid your dues yet?

You may pay them online now or a Board Member will be available at the events to collect payment.

If you would like to help with the planning and organizing of any of these events, please contact the appropriate Board Members in charge of the event as indicated.




2024 Greening Events 


Contact Beth Miller if you would like to get involved or have questions.


Spring Tree Pruning

February 24, 9a-12p

details to come.


Spring Stream Clean-up

April - date TBD

details to come.


Fall Tree Planting

Plant trees for the next 100 years!

details to come.


Winter Tree Pruning

December 7, 9a-12p

details to come.


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