Dues-paying members of the Anneslie Community Association are invited to attend our annual community-wide end of summer celebration!
Date: Tbd (rain date on Tbd)
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Tbd
This year's event will include food, drinks, music and a variety of games and activities for all ages.​
BBQ, hotdogs and drinks will be provided by the Community Association. Come and enjoy!
We kindly request that odd numbered houses bring a side dish and even numbered houses bring dessert to share.
If you live on the 600 block of Dunkirk Road:
If are able to volunteer a trash can, please email Rjfisher72@gmai.org.
Please move your car(s) off the street by 2:00 p.m.
As always, this event is for dues-paying members. Pick-up your wristband upon arrival at the picnic. While we most often rely on the honor system for participation at our community events, the annual picnic is our largest and most widely attended event each year. It is a wonderful chance to catch up with many neighbors and enjoy each other's company. In the interest of managing the costs and resources associated with hosting the picnic, we will be checking association membership at the entrances to the picnic. All family members of dues-paying households will receive a wristband in order to attend. If you have not paid your 2025 dues, you will be able to pay them at the gate. Or, simply pay online today. Annual Dues are $35/family or $15/Age 65+ household.
Your dues contribution each year is greatly appreciated, as it enables us to continue hosting fun community events such as the picnic, bowling night, dumpster day, movie or concert night, and halloween and holiday celebrations throughout the year. We thank you for your membership in the Anneslie Community Association, and look forward to seeing you on Saturday, September 14!​​
Questions? Email any Board Member or President@anneslie.org.
​​Thank You to Our Sponsors!